The Warriors’ season ended on a disappointing note as they lost to the Kings 118-94 in the 9/10 Western Conference Play-In Tournament matchup. This loss reflected the rollercoaster season Golden State had.

In the upcoming offseason, the Warriors have crucial decisions to make that will shape the franchise’s future. With significant tax payments looming, Joe Lacob is considering ways to reduce the team’s expenses.

Lacob expressed a desire to move out of the tax bracket, indicating a shift in financial strategy for the team. This decision will impact crucial roster choices, including the futures of Klay Thompson and Chris Paul.

Can Curry, Thompson, and Green still win a championship?

Despite their past success, all three players are on a downward trajectory according to DARKO metrics. Maintaining their dominance in a competitive Western Conference seems unlikely.

Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green's historical decline

While Green remains a standout defender, Curry and Thompson have shown signs of decline. Rebuilding the roster around them might be necessary for the team’s future success.

Should the Warriors re-sign Klay Thompson?

Considering the team’s financial goals, retaining Thompson at his current salary is challenging. He might need to accept a significant pay cut to continue with the team.

Thompson’s reduced contract could provide financial relief for the Warriors, while still benefiting from his shooting prowess. However, balancing the roster may require Thompson to take on a lesser role.

What to do with Chris Paul?

Paul’s contract presents a dilemma for the Warriors, as his performance no longer justifies his salary. Exploring trade options or renegotiating his deal could be potential solutions.

The team might need to make tough decisions to maintain financial stability while keeping key players like Paul in the mix.

Future Directions for the Warriors

Facing financial constraints and an aging core, the Warriors must navigate a transition period. Balancing loyalty to veteran players with the need for a revamped roster is crucial for long-term success.

Exploring trade options, securing young talent, and managing payroll will be key strategies for the Warriors in the upcoming seasons. Embracing change while honoring the team’s legacy will define their next chapter.

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