Rubber medical vacuum jars.
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A set of rubber vacuum cans for cupping massage with diameters of 22, 35, 50 and 65 mm.
Vacuum cans of different sizes allow you to massage on any problem areas of the body including the face, hands, elbows. This type of Chinese massage cupping has become especially popular due to its simplicity and ease of use. They are in greatest demand for cosmetic and anti-cellulite massage, although the range of tasks solved with the help of these vacuum cans is much wider.
Cup massage: strong>
The action of cupping massage is based on a reflex method, based on the occurrence of hyperemia, irritation of skin receptors by the vacuum created in the jar. Under the influence of cupping massage, peripheral circulation of blood, lymph, and interstitial fluid improves. The phenomena of stagnation are eliminated, metabolism and skin respiration in the massaged area of the body are enhanced. The skin becomes elastic, its resistance to temperature and mechanical factors increases, the contractile function of muscles improves, their tone and elasticity increase.
Operation procedure:
Before starting the procedure, you need to warm up the jars (place them in hot water for 10 minutes). The jar becomes softer and the procedure is more painless. The massaged surface is lubricated with heated massage oil or massage cream. Install one or two cans, dosing the vacuum force by squeezing the can. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the sensitivity of the patient's skin. Next, you need to make sliding massage movements with the suction jar. Movements can be linear, circular, zigzag. The massage time is individual until persistent hyperemia (3-10 minutes).
Procedures are carried out daily. The number of procedures depends on the patient’s condition and can be 5-10. After the procedures, the patient needs to rest in a room with a temperature of at least 18 ° C for at least half an hour.
Contraindications to the use of cupping massage:
Pulmonary hemorrhages, pulmonary tuberculosis in the active stage, malignant and benign tumors, hemorrhagic diathesis, skin diseases and its sharp sensitivity, blood diseases, severe exhaustion of the patient, cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, grade 3 hypertension. Attention! You MUST NOT place cups on the spine, on the area of the heart, kidneys and mammary glands in women. Do not massage on the inner surface of the thigh, during hernia repair or appendectomy.
Indications for use:
• For cellulite, excess subcutaneous fat deposits in the thighs and buttocks.
• Acute and chronic myositis, neuromyositis, neuralgia, neuritis and perineuritis, osteochondrosis, lumbosacral radiculitis.
• inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system; bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, prevention of hypostatic pneumonia, colds.
• autohemotherapy.
Cupping massage technique.
1. For colds, bronchitis, pneumonia — massage from the lower corners of the shoulder blades to the shoulders (on the back), the lateral surfaces of the chest, as well as from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the left and right shoulders. Cupping massage removes mucus, improves breathing, and lowers body temperature. After the procedure is completed, the patient should be wrapped in a blanket and given a glass of tea with lemon or raspberry.
2. For osteochondrosis of the spine, sliding massage movements are made from the lower back to the cervical vertebra. Particular attention is paid to massage of the paravertebral zones at a distance of 2-3 cm from the spinous processes of the spine. The movements are linear, with the jar being moved upward with force so that a fold of skin “goes” in front of the jar.
3. For cervical osteochondrosis, make circular movements with the jar around the seventh vertebra (to find it, you need to tilt your head, this will be the most protruding vertebra). Traffic control — clockwise without touching the seventh vertebra, the number of movements — odd. After this, massage the trapezius muscle from the head to the shoulders.
4. For myositis - the lumbar muscles, massage along the lower back; for myositis of the forearm muscles, massage the muscles of the back of the neck and back.
5. For lumbosacral radiculitis - massage the lumbar region, and if the pain radiates to the leg, then the back surface of the leg from the popliteal fossa to the gluteal fold.
6. In order to increase immunity, in weakened, long-term ill people, the technique of autohemotherapy is used, which consists of applying to the skin of the buttock 30-60 seconds cans in high vacuum mode. Massage course — 10 days.
7. Massage for injuries - used to normalize blood and lymph flow, relieve pain, resolve swelling, hematoma, regenerate and repair tissue, normalize redox processes. The massage begins above the site of the bruise (reflexive-distractive), gradually descending to the areas adjacent to the bruise area.
8. For cellulite, a cupping massage is performed on the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. Moving the can circularly, zigzag, rectilinearly (all types of movements 5-6 times). When exposed to cupping massage, mechanical rupture of fat cells occurs. To enhance the effect, lubricate the massaged surface with anti-cellulite cream or anti-cellulite massage oil.
Shelf life of the jar: at least 1 year from the date of use.
name:Rubber medical vacuum jars.