“Ji Mei Shu” (therapeutic and prophylactic pads) Damaged packaging!
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Impregnated with extracts of 49 medicinal herbs, Ji Mei Shu pads carry natural energy and information.
Volatile phytoncides, acting on the points of energy meridians located in the perineal area, ensure the versatility of this remedy.
When using Ji Mei Shu pads for the treatment of acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids, pain is quickly relieved within several hours, swelling is reduced, inflammation is relieved, and blood clots quickly resolve.
Ingredients: Angelica chinensis, sarsaparilla glabra, Cnidium Monnieri, Amur velvet Sophora yellowish, Stemona sessile foliage and other herbal infusions (49 components in total).< /p>
Mechanism of action: The absorption of medicinal substances through the mucous membranes of the female genital organs is higher than through the skin on any other part of the human body. This is due to the fact that the external genitalia, as well as the organs and tissues adjacent to them, have a very rich circulatory network, a large number of lymphatic vessels and sensitive nerve plexuses. Nutrition and metabolism of substances in these organs is carried out using a double network of blood vessels. These anatomical and physiological features underlie the principle of traditional Chinese medicine “to treat internal diseases with external methods.” The vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries belong to the internal genital organs. In case of pathological changes in these organs, the Zi Mei Shu pads restore their normal functioning.
The pads have proven themselves in the treatment of specifically male diseasessuch as acute and chronic prostatitis, orchiepididymitis. When using Ji Mei Shu pads for the treatment of acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids, pain is quickly relieved within a few hours, swelling is reduced, inflammation is relieved, and blood clots quickly resolve. Ji Mei Shu pads are a good harmonizing agent, which allows them to be used successfully in the treatment of various dishormonal disorders of the female genital area. Gaskets are an excellent test tool. They are able to “wake up” sluggish infectious processes in the pelvic and perineal organs, significantly increase the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to the action of antibacterial drugs.
Main action restore microflora ; have antibacterial and antiviral properties; stop itching, dry out dampness and have astringent properties; contribute to the normalization of local tissue immunity of the pelvic and perineal organs; normalize the function of the pelvic and perineal organs; have anti-inflammatory and healing effects; remove heat and poison; harmonize menstruation and stop discharge; replenish energy and blood;
Indications for use: Itching of the external genitalia (caused by bacteria, trichomonas, fungi, pubic lice, hydrocyanic, diabetic, etc.) and vagina, Eczema of the external genitalia. Viral lesions of the genitals and pelvic organs. Discharge from the genital tract with a bad odor. Adhesive processes in the pelvic cavity. Menstrual cycle disorders (primary and secondary amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, etc.). Vaginitis caused by Trichomonas, fungi, gonococcus, etc. Primary and secondary infertility. Endometriosis, Erosion and pseudo-erosion of the cervix. Hemorrhoids, anal fissure. Mastopathy. Acute and chronic prostatitis. Postoperative period after medical abortion.
Method of application: attached with an adhesive surface to underwear so that the active surface of the pad is mostly at the site of exposure .
The therapeutic activity of one pad lasts for 24 hours.
The course of treatment is 20 days.
Contraindications: pregnancy.
Form of release: 10 pieces per pack.
name:“Ji Mei Shu” (therapeutic and prophylactic pads) Damaged packaging!