Acupuncture at home. 18 cans
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Magnetic suction cups for acupuncture action (acupuncture at home) set: 12 cans plus ointment. Illustrated instructions in Russian. Magnetic suction cups can be used in medical institutions, as well as at home as a new type of magnetic therapy device. They combine elements of such therapeutic methods as Zhenjiu therapy, acupressure, magnetic therapy and drug therapy. The action of magnetic suction cups is based on the principle of retracting the skin due to the resulting negative pressure, creating a magnetic induction of over 250 mT (millitesl) at the acupuncture point, when an invisible beam of magnetic field lines penetrates deep into the human body approximately 6-9 cm, which corresponds to the depth of the injection, and also the therapeutic effect exerted on an acupuncture point by a traditional thin needle. Magnetic suction cups do not damage the skin; the patient completely lacks the feeling of fear of the needle, which is characteristic of classical acupuncture. At the same time, the use of magnetic suction cups is a sterile, safe, reliable, painless method of Zhenjiu therapy. The tip of the magnetic suction cup is made of galvanized silver and has anti-toxic and anti-inflammatory properties. Magnetic suction cups are very convenient to accurately fix on acupuncture points, they can be used at home, traveling, at work, anytime and anywhere. When treating ordinary pain syndromes, you only need to find the right point; within 10-15 minutes after installing the suction cup, a positive result is observed. For the most common diseases, the therapeutic effect usually appears after 1-2 treatment sessions. Magnetic suction cups promote blood circulation, bringing harmony to Yin and Yang, they can be used for both excess and deficiency syndrome. Instructions for the treatment of specific diseases usingMPAD Treatment inflammation of the peribrachial region (periaphritis) Treatment of lower back pain Treatment of diseases of the cervical vertebrae Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis Treatment of impotence and prospermia. Treatment of nephritis (nephrolithiasis) Treatment of prostatitis Treatment of painful menstruation and abnormal menstruation Treatment of breastfeeding Treatment of the consequences of apoplexy (lower limbs) Treatment of hypertension Treatment of hyperlipemia (high blood lipids) Treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma Treatment of toothache Treatment of diabetes mellitus Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers Treatment of heart disease and coronary arteries Treatment of headaches and insomnia |
name:Acupuncture at home. 18 cans
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